Monday, November 12, 2007

Historic Meeting

A Historic Meeting will be held tomorrow at 7pm in the new conference room. I'm not sure what all will be discussed, but I'm thinking about going myself to see.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fun at Rosies

Rosie's Tavern will be hosting live music tomorrow night. The Coon Billies will be playing. Go check it out.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

PTA Meeting

Abita Springs Middle School PTA will meet tonight at 6:30. Remember, involved parents means a more successful school. Tomorrow is Muffins with Mom--I'll try to get some more information on that.

Ladies Progressive

The Ladies Progressive will meet tonight at 7:00 in Town Hall.

Abita Pharmacy Helps Friends of the Park

For those of you who don't know, Friends of the Park is an organization dedicated to identifying, designing, implementing, and funding beautification projects in and around Abita Springs. Abita Pharmacy has become a member, and has made a generous donation to the cause: one dollar of every prescription filled in the months of November and December will be donated directly to Friends of the Park. This is an easy way for everyone to give a little something to Friends of the Park--just have your prescriptions filled at the Abita Pharmacy.

For those interested in joining Friends of the Park, membership sign-ups are available at both Bot and Nola's Snoball Stand and Abita Pharmacy. The cost is thirty dollars for a single membership, and fifty dollars for a family and are good through 2008. Open meetings will begin in January, and all members will be welcome to come and share their ideas.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Simon Wins District 74

In an unexpected turn of events, candidate Adam Ackel withdrew from the run-off scheduled for November 17th. His opponent, Scott Simon, will now take the position. Ackel did not state a specific reason for withdrawing, only said that he thought it would be in the best interest of himself and his family. Ackel is still very young and we may not have seen the last of him. It will also be interesting to see what Scott Simon does with his new position. Both men are Abita Springs residents.


Tonight Bingo is being held at Town Hall. The fun starts at 7:00.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Well, I drove out to check out all the action on Level Street, and they weren't kidding! The place was crawling with ghosts, goblins, pumpkins, and princesse. Main street was also pretty busy. I can't wait till next year when I get to be in the middle of all the action.

Adult Fun

Rosie's tavern will be having their weekly poker tournament tonight. Unfortunately, I missed their costume party which was this past Saturday. Sorry!

Zoning and Planning Meeting

Maybe Halloween isn't your thing. Maybe you'd prefer to attend a local meeting. If so, you're in luck. The Zoning and Planning meeting will be held tonight, October 31st, in the new conference room.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Get Your Boo On

Everyone wants to know what to do with their child on Halloween, and here's a great idea: Go Trick or Treating in old town Abita. Level Street will be filled with families and hot dogs and candy will be served at Town Hall. Sounds like a great event for everyone. See you there!


Tomorrow will be football playoffs for a number of Abita Rec. football teams. The Silver (9/10) team will play the Madisonville Dragons at Coquille Park in Madisonville. The White team (7/8) will play the Cowboys at Lee Road Park, and the Black team (9/10) will be playing the Covington Steelers at home in Abita. Come out and root for your favorite team! For more information, visit the Abita Rec website:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Red Ribbon Program

Monday, October 29th, Abita Elementary School will be hosting their red ribbon program. Kindgeraten and First Grade will have their assembly at 1:30 and Second and Third Grade will have theirs at 2:00.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

More Information

Ok. If you haven't registered to vote, it's too late to vote in the election on November 17th. It's still important to get registered, though. All the information you need is located here or go to The website helps you find out your polling place, shows you a sample copy of a ballot, and tells you how to get registered. To obtain a copy of the mail-in voter registration form, you could also go here. Happy voting!

Get Out and Vote

For the residents of Abita Springs and surrounding areas, The race for State Representative, district 74, ended in a run-off. The two candidates are Scott Simon and Adam Ackel, and both are residents of Abita Springs. Both are also Republicans. Simon received 48% on the vote and Ackel received 29%, so it should be a pretty close race. Simon is running on a platform that would like to fight corruption, reform the insurance industry, and improve roads. I was unable to access Ackel's web site, but The St. Tammany News reports that Ackel is interested in infrastructure, education, and a trained work force. You can read the article for yourself here. Both candidates have been active in the community. Scott Simon has been endorsed by the Alliance for Good Government and the Times Picayune. I believe that Ackel has been endorsed by the GOP, but once again, his web site was unavailable.

The run-off is November 17th, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. As a new resident, I'm going to go figure out how to get registered to vote. I'll post that information when I figure it out.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Break-in at Bot and Nola's

Police are investigating at break-in that occured at Bot and Nola's Snoball Stand on Hwy. 59 sometime Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. Some items of value were stolen, but also wax lips, candy cigarettes, Chico Sticks, Charm bracelets, Air Heads, and Gold Nugget Mine gum. Because so much candy was stolen, it is believed that kids were probably involved. If anyone has any information, please contact the owner. If someone turns in the guilty party, they will receive free snoballs for a year. Bot and Nola's is a locally-owned, family business and places like this make Abita what it is. If you know anything, please let them know, so that the perpetrators dont' think they can get away with it.

Lost Dog

A beagle mix has been lost in the Abita Springs area. The dog, who is about one-year-old, slipped out of his collar on Thursday evening somewhere around the circle. The dog is tan and white. Anyone with information please leave a message in the comments.

The Historic District

As a soon-to-be resident of Abita Springs, several people mentioned the "historic district" to me. So, like any girl with curiosity and access to the internet, I began trying to find out what parts of Abita Springs are considered historic. According to the Louisiana National Register of Historic places, the historic district of Abita is roughly bounded by North, Cypress, Laurell, Hwy. 36, Eighth, Sixth, Seventh, St. Mary, and third streets, and the Abita River.

This is a current map of the listed area.

View Larger Map

Here is the map that is up on the historic register's web site. The dark, black line outlines the district as it was applied for in 1982.

I have heard that there have been some changes since then, but I can't find any information on that currently. I will strive to keep this web site at accurate as possible, so if any new information comes my way, I'll be sure to post it.

Click here to view the to the Louisiana National Register of Historic Places' listing on Abita Springs.