Friday, October 26, 2007

The Historic District

As a soon-to-be resident of Abita Springs, several people mentioned the "historic district" to me. So, like any girl with curiosity and access to the internet, I began trying to find out what parts of Abita Springs are considered historic. According to the Louisiana National Register of Historic places, the historic district of Abita is roughly bounded by North, Cypress, Laurell, Hwy. 36, Eighth, Sixth, Seventh, St. Mary, and third streets, and the Abita River.

This is a current map of the listed area.

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Here is the map that is up on the historic register's web site. The dark, black line outlines the district as it was applied for in 1982.

I have heard that there have been some changes since then, but I can't find any information on that currently. I will strive to keep this web site at accurate as possible, so if any new information comes my way, I'll be sure to post it.

Click here to view the to the Louisiana National Register of Historic Places' listing on Abita Springs.

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